15th Venice Architecture Biennale | Peru
La biennale di Venezia
Curators: Sandra Barclay / Jean Pierre Crousse
Commissioner: José Orrego
Exhibitors: Ministry of Education - Plan Selva Project
above: Peruvian pavilion, installation view, photo Andrea Avezzù, courtesy La Biennale di Venezia
Peruvian pavilion – OUR AMAZON FRONTLINE
Our Amazon Frontline, the title of the exhibition in the Peruvian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, refers to a vast cultural, social and environmental project aimed to protect the Amazon rainforest and to involve local communities in the process.
Once again, schooling, education, high-quality architecture, and socializing spaces are the instruments adopted to promote multiculturalism and to connect populations of different lifestyles and cultural backgrounds.
above: Peruvian pavilion, installation view, photo Andrea Avezzù, courtesy La Biennale di Venezia
The exhibition in Venice particularly focuses on Plan Selva, a public project started in 2015 and promoted by the Ministry of Education of Peru, aimed to build hundreds of schools in rural areas of the Amazon region, remotely located and often lacking even the most basic infrastructures.
above: Peruvian pavilion, installation view, photo Inexhibit.
The new school buildings, conceived by a team composed of 14 architects and industrial designers, were designed to be modular, easy to build, suitable for the local climate, and to make use of locally-sourced materials. Through the new structures, the objective is to reinstate dignity to populations that are currently pushed to the sidelines of Peruvian society, as well as to make different and apparently incompatible worlds meet.
above: Peruvian pavilion, installation views, photos Inexhibit.
above: Peruvian pavilion, installation view, photo Andrea Avezzù, courtesy La Biennale di Venezia.

The Venice Arsenale medieval dockyard complex is one of the venues of the Venice Biennale, It accommodates core exhibitions and several national pavilions

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