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Denmark’s Architectural Wunderkammer – 15th Venice Architecture Biennale

  • Denmark-pavilion-Venice-Architecture-Biennale-2016-Inexhibit-07c

    Danish pavilion at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale; photo © Inexhibit, 2016

    Art of Many and the Right to Space – The Danish exhibition at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale

    Curated by Boris Brorman Jensen and Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss on behalf of the Danish Architecture Center, the contribution of Denmark to the 15th Venice Biennale is a comprehensive survey of today’s Danish architecture.

    Entitled “Art of Many and the Right to Space“, the exhibition presents 130 architectural models, or “prototypes”, each representative of one project, divided into 5 thematic areas entitled “Beyond Luxury”, “Designing Life”, “Claiming Space”, “Exit Utopia”, and “Pro Community”.

    The models are exhibited in a space that resembles a warehouse, informally placed on racks made with scaffolding tubes and plywood sheets. The visual effect is that of an architectural wunderkammer in which designs by internationally-acclaimed Danish firms – such as BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, 3XN, COBE, C.F. møller, and Henning Larsen Architects – are displayed side by side with those by emerging practices.

    “Art of Many and the Right to Space”, installation views. Photos © Inexhibit, 2016

    Most projects on show are for social housing, public buildings, and urban spaces, selected by the curators for their capability to represent the relationship between contemporary architecture and people’s social needs.

    “There is broad consensus among architects that architecture should serve the people. However, there is not much agreement on how, when and by what means humanistic architecture should be created. We want to present a dynamic snapshot of Danish architecture and urban planning, but we also intend to dig deeper. It is our ambition to explore, dissect and discuss some of the paradoxes and conflicts that come with a new humanism in contemporary architecture,” Boris Brorman Jensen and Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss say.

    The projects on view, sorted by theme


    Wealth and consumption are fundamentally linked and put a drain on our limited resources. Architecture must redefine luxury to ensure the quality of life in the 21st century.

    Almenbolig+ (Nordre Fælledkvarter, Robinielunden, Signalgården, Tømmergården) – ONV & JAJA architects
    B&W Student Halls – BCVA Architecture
    Beyond Luxury – BESSARDs’ STUDIO
    Residential Tower in Antwerp – C.F. Møller Architects in collaboration with Brut Architecture and Urban Design
    Brick House – LETH & GORI
    Casas Melhoradas – Affordable housing in Maputo – Johan Mottelson & Jørgen Eskemose
    Egedalsvænge, Social Housing – WE Architecture
    Public Housing Affected by People – AI
    Haiyan House – Jakob Knudsen
    Harbor Houses – The City in the Building – ADEPT
    HSB2023: Social Housing of the Future – C.F. Møller Architects
    Lungholm Castle – Arkitektfirmaet Merete Lind Mikkelsen
    Orangery – Lenschow & Pihlmann + Mikael Stentröm
    Roof House – LETH & GORI
    The Place in the World, The Body in Space –  BO FROST architects
    The Magoda Project – Jakob Knudsen
    UNIONKUL – STACK I and II –  Arcgency
    Uptown Nørrebro – Arkitema Architects
    Urban Rigger –  Kim Loudrup & BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
    Very Social Housing –  BESSARDs’ STUDIO & LETH & GORI

    “Urban Rigger” by BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, 2015


    Shaping human behavior is in the DNA of architecture. From crowded cities to nursery schools, architects and planners should explore the impact of architecture.

    Hinnerup Kollegiet – Residential units for people with autism – Wienberg Architects & Frier Architecture
    Urban Hospice – NORD Architects Copenhagen
    CEECD – Center for Early Childhood Development – CEBRA
    Health Care Centre for Cancer Patients –  NORD Architects Copenhagen
    The International Criminal Court – Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
    Children’s Home of the Future – CEBRA
    Halden Prison – Erik Møller Architects & HLM Architects
    Hellerup School – Arkitema Architects
    Herlev Hospital – Henning Larsen Architects
    Hospice Djursland – C.F. Møller Architects
    Kids City – NORD Architects Copenhagen & COBE
    Martin Buber Building – Jane Havshøj
    Moesgaard Museum – Henning Larsen Architects
    Munkegård School – Dorthe Mandrup Architects
    Maersk Building, the extension of the Panum complex – C. F. Møller Architects
    Ningbo Home of Staff – Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
    New Correctional Facility in Nuuk – Friis & Moltke
    New North Zealand Hospital – Herzog de Meuron + Wilhelm Lauritzen Architects
    Oslo Plads – KHR Arkitekter
    Psykiatric hospital in Slagelse – Karlsson Arkitekter & VLA
    SDU, University of Southern Denmark, Campus Kolding – Henning Larsen Architects
    The Scool in the Forrest – RUBOW Arkitekter
    Smart School – CEBRA
    Natural History Museum of Denmark – Nicolai Bo Andersen
    Theatrum Mundi – Nicolai Bo Andersen
    VUC Syd – AART architects & ZENI Arkitekter
    Ørestad College – 3XN
    Ørestad School – KHR Arkitekter

    “Art of Many and the Right to Space”, installation views; photo © Inexhibit, 2016


    Generous public spaces are not extravagant. Creating space for public life where there is none means putting people first and pursuing the ideal of an open society.

    ARC – Amager Resource Centre – BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
    The City Dune – SEB Bank – SLA
    CBS Campus – TRANSFORM & C.F. Møller Architects
    Cleaning Facilities Centre – POLYFORM & Karres En Brand
    Cycling and Athletics Arena, Odense – Mikkelsen Architects
    The Bicycle Snake – DISSING + WEITLING Architecture
    Dalarna Media Arena – ADEPT
    The Island of the Dead – Jonathan Meldgaard Houser
    Dokk1 – schmidt hammer lassen architects
    Estonia Academy of Arts – EFFEKT + LETH & GORI
    Facade of the Parish Community Centre at Trinitatis Church – Mathilde Petri Architects
    Faaborg Habour Bath (URBAN AGENCY, JDS Architects) – URBAN AGENCY, D. Børresen, JDS Architects, CREO
    Järva Burial Ground – Kristine Jensens Tegnestue
    Cultural Centre ‘Plassen’ – 3XN
    Laayoune Competence Centre – URBAN AGENCY, Oualalou+Choi
    Nordvest Cultural Centre and Library – TRANSFORM & COBE
    Novo Nordisk Nature Park – SLA
    Ny Banegårdsgade, Aarhus – TRANSFORM & COBE
    New Nørreport Station – COBE & Gottlieb Paludan Architects
    Public Private Partnership, Gellerup Nord – Arkitema Architects
    Park ‘n ‘play – Nordhavn Parking House – JAJA architects
    Red Cross Volunteer House – COBE
    Sydhavn School – JJW Arkitekter
    11 Sonnesgade – SLETH
    Talinn City Hall – BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
    Tønder Town Hall – WE Architecture
    Urban Lobby – SLETH
    Vinge Station – THIRD NATURE & Henning Larsen Architects
    Aarhus Stadium – COLORCLOUDSTUDIO

    “Cultural Center Plassen”, Norway, by 3XN Architects


    Modernist ideology wanted full control of both society and nature. It failed. Today, new alliances between people, the built environment, and nature are shaping the future.

    Bank-Mikkelsens Vej -Vandkunsten Architects
    The Mountain – BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
    Enghave Climate Park – THIRD NATURE
    Green Lighthouse – Christensen og Co. Architects
    Green School Stockholm – 3XN
    Grønby Strand – BCVA Architecture
    House of Water – THIRD NATURE
    Human Habitat – AI
    Islev ID – SLETH
    Kalvebod Waves (URBAN AGENCY, JDS Architects) – URBAN AGENCY, JDS Architects and D. Børresen
    Climate Habour and Climate City – Middelfart Kommune, Middelfart Spildevand, EFFEKT, GHB and ADEPT
    Climate Neighbourhood – THIRD NATURE
    Kokkedal – Schønherr
    Copenhagen Climate Resilient Block – Henning Larsen Architects
    Løkkensvej – Schønherr
    Nordhavn – POLYFORM, SLETH & COBE
    Public Air Copenhagen – Frans Drewniak & Philippe Rahm
    Water Purifying Plant – Toposfære
    Skjern Open-Air Swimming Pool – KRADS
    Steely Urban Spaces – ERIK BRANDT DAM Architects & SLETH
    sØnæs – Møller & Grønborg
    The BIG U – BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
    Vinge City – Frederikssund Municipality, EFFEKT & Henning Larsen Architects
    Water Shore Habitat – MAP Architects

    “House of Water, Copenhagen, by THIRD NATURE; photo © Inexhibit, 2016


    When people organize and demand influence they move the world. The future is powered by strong communities.

    AiH – Andelssamfundet i Hjortshøj – Force4 + CUBO
    Musicon Urban District – COBE/MVRDV, SNE Architects, Olafur Eliasson & Sebastian Behmann, Bille Arc, Niels Peter Flint, Christensen & Co, Creo arkitekter, Mangor & Nagel, KAB and others
    NærHeden Urban District – Arkitema Architects
    Children’s Culture House – Dorte Mandrup Architects in collaboration with Nøhr & Sigsgaard
    Ceremony Room – Svendborg Architects
    Chittagong Public Bath – Anders Peder Larsen
    One Model – Tyra Lea Amdisen Dokkedahl, Frida Sophie Vang Petersen, Victor Gammelgaard &Thais Kvejborg Espersen
    FBAB Future Sustainable Social Housing – DISSING + WEITLING Architecture
    Fjelstervang Outdoor Community Centre – Spektrum Arkitekter
    GAME: Streetmekka – EFFEKT
    Harpa – Reykjavik Concert Hall and Conference Centre – Henning Larsen Architects
    Heteretopias og Roskilde Festival – Jes Vagnby
    HOPE – House of Peace – Junya Ishigami & Johnny Svendborg
    Hunstad – Anders Abraham & Christina Capetillo
    Club Island Vejle – TRANSFORM
    Køge Shoreline – Vandkunsten Architects
    Langvang Multi Purpose hall – ELKIÆR + EBBESKOV and LETH & GORI aps
    Light Pavilion – Andersen & Sigurdsson Architects
    Marine Education Centre – NORD Architects Copenhagen
    Temporary Urban Spaces – Schønherr
    Multi-Purpose Hall ‘Pulsen’ – ELKIÆR + EBBESKOV and LETH & GORI aps
    Musholm Multi-Purpose Hall – AART architects
    Islamic Community Centre and Mosque in Copenhagen – Henning Larsen Architects
    Nøjkjærhus Cultural Centre – LUMO Architects
    Prismen – Dorte Mandrup Architects
    ReGEN Villages – EFFEKT
    Tietgen Residence Hall – Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects
    Tingbjerg Culture House – COBE

    “Musicon Urban District”, by COBE/MVRDV, SNE Architects, Olafur Eliasson & Sebastian Behmann, Bille Arc, Niels Peter Flint, Christensen & Co, Creo arkitekter, Mangor & Nagel, KAB and others; photo © Inexhibit, 2016

    “Ragnarock museum” by COBE + MVRDV, MUSICON district, photo © Ossip van Duivenbode

    “DOKK8000” by Colorcloudstudio; photo © Inexhibit, 2016

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