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Milan | The Camera Chiara Pavilion by Annabel Karim Kassar

  • Milan pavilion Annabel Karim Kassar inexhibit 04

    Camera Chiara Pavilion by Annabel Karim Kassar

    Camera Chiara is a temporary pavilion, designed by Annabel Karim Kassar, located inside the 18th-century courtyard of the University of Milan and one of the installations commissioned in the framework of the “Energy for Creativity” program organized by Interni magazine and Mondadori.

    Camera Chiara is a project based on interrelations and cross-references inspired by the culture of Lebanon and constituted of two pavilions, made of timber and steel, lying on a thick bed of fragrant cork.

    One pavilion contains everyday objects, furniture, and textiles alluding to a domestic interior; while a second, almost identical pavilion, houses a small theater where, comfortably resting on cushions, the public watch videos depicting stories of work and people.

    Camera Chiara
    Annabel Karim Kassar Architectures & Interiors
    with HSC
    Università degli Studi di Milano
    Cortile del 700
    13 April – 24 May, 2015

    Photos © Inexhibit, 2015

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