Pavilions | 14th Architecture Biennale

Place: Venice, Italy
La Biennale di Venezia
Absorbing Modernity, 1914-2014
National Pavilions
14th Venice Architecture Biennale
Curator: Rem Koolhaas
Text by Federica Lusiardi, Inexhibit
Photos by Riccardo Bianchini, Inexhibit

national pavilions biennale 2014 02b

14th Venice Architecture Biennale | National pavilions

Absorbing Modernity 1914-2014 is the exhibition focused on the theme proposed by Rem Koolhaas and developed by the curators of the national pavilions: what modernity meant for each of the 66 countries participating in Fundamentals, the 14th edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale?

Did modernity uniform architecture? Have cultural identities been flattened and sacrificed on its altar? How modernity has been, over time, metabolized in different countries?

Despite its title, Absorbing Modernity1914-2014 does not declare the global triumph of modernity, it asked instead the pavilion curators to give a tailored interpretation of its significance by looking at the recent history of the respective countries.

Every Nation participating at the Biennale, which by starting from different social and political contexts has faced a specific modernization process, provided its reply, underlying its own peculiarities and narrating a history made, depending on the case, of successes, failures, hopes, and contradictions.

The result is a mosaic that depicts how, beyond the apparently cultural uniformity of supposed globalization, the peculiar history of every nation mingled with modernity, producing a varied set of different outcomes.

Here we present a selection of 26 National pavilions.

See our article for each pavilion by clicking on the icons below.

austria-t   AUSTRIA

bahrain-pavilion biennale 2014   BAHRAIN

belgium pavilion architecture biannale 2014   BELGIUM

brasil-t   BRAZIL

canada pavilion architecture biennale 2014   CANADA

china-t   CHINA

denmark pavilion architecture biennale 2014   DENMARK

Dominican republic pavilion architecture biennale 2014   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

finland pavilion architecture biennale 2014   FINLAND

france pavilion architecture biennale 2014   FRANCE

Gemany pavilion architecture biennale 2014   GERMANY

hungary-t   HUNGARY

indonesia pavilion architecture biennale 2014   INDONESIA

israel pavilion architecture biennale 2014   ISRAEL

italy pavilion architecture biennale 2014   ITALY

Japan pavilion architecture biennale 2014   JAPAN

Korea-T   KOREA

Kosovo pavilion architecture biennale 2014   KOSOVO

Netherlands pavilion architecture biennale 2014   NETHERLANDS

nordic pavilion architecture biennale 2014   NORDIC COUNTRIES

Peru pavilion architecture biennale 2014   PERU

Spain pavilion architecture biennale 2014   SPAIN

serbia-t   SERBIA

Turkey pavilion architecture biennale 2014   TURKEY

UK pavilion architecture biennale 2014   UNITED KINGDOM

USA pavilion architecture biennale 2014   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

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