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Assembled by Root

Root believes that we provide more innovative and exciting collaborations between people and companies by sharing knowledge, materials, and passion. Root scouts the most talented and passionate creatives and find the individuals and companies who admire their work as much as we do. Root is determined to further an inclusionary system where everyone gives their best and dearest. Since January 2016 Root is the proud owner of an exhibition space in Rotterdam with monthly exhibitions by emerging talents.

About Assembled by Root
Root believes in the power of collaboration: we create better projects by sharing knowledge, determination, and materials, that together we can create a better design. We create a system where everyone does what (s)he does best; amplify the strength from every individual and company. At the same time Root experienced that creative people often struggle with finding the right place to present their work, that sometimes amazing designs and artworks remain unnoticed by the rapidly changing system; Trends often change, communication must be brief and independent grants and funds slowly disappear. This requires features which are best achievable in a new system; where everyone does what (s)he does best and is dearest to them.
Root, a young concept itself, accompanies upcoming talent in their search for growth. Root represents upcoming artists and designers, connecting them to clients and consumers. Through personal contact, focus on innovation and a large network Root provides collaborations and interactions between various sectors. Root also searches for the boundaries of exhibiting work, by organizing pop-up expositions, presenting research-based themes and organizing lectures.
The results are products of design which you will find in stores and webshops, art projects you can experience during events and at pop-up galleries, but also trend forecasting and project design. All those projects and products are made locally and on a small scale. This makes Root flexible, approachable and sustainable.
Root wants to learn from each other, from everyone who is interested in the company, to offer the best for you. Because life is a learning process and this company is a new-born; don’t hesitate to contact us to share your knowledge, critics and advises. Together we can create that new system.
Since January 2016 Root is the proud owner of an exhibition space with monthly exhibitions by emerging talents. Feel welcome to take a glance at what we have in store.

The artists
Root scouts the most talented and passionate creatives and find the individuals and companies who admire their work as much as we do. Although the ideas, concepts, and aesthetics have to fit in within the perspective of Root, the state of mind has to fit in too. People who create with their heart and soul, for people and companies who would like to admire the items for many years. Although many times thought otherwise, Root isn’t a gallery. Root is a platform where artists are collaborating not only directly with Root but also among each other. The autonomous artists, product designers, photographers, trend forecasters and everyone in between. Because by collaborating we can create a system where everyone can do what he does best and dearest.


objects from Assembled by Root

Assembled by Root

Zaagmolendrift 12
Rotterdam - The Netherlands
design gallery
Tel: +31 (0) 62 38 19 111
Open: Wed – Fri 12:00 – 18:00, Sat 12:00 – 17:00

copyright Inexhibit 2025 - ISSN: 2283-5474