Inexhibit.com is a web portal dedicated to permanent and temporary exhibition spaces.
It’s addressed to professionals, to art enthusiasts, to travellers and to simply curious people.

For all
One of our objectives is to build up an experimental map of excellent exhibition centres – museums, temporary exhibition centres, open-air expositions – selected according to some parameters we deem relevant and that our users have the possibility to rate: the site and its surroundings, the building, the exhibition design, the capability to involve people of different ages and backgrounds, a broad range of additional services and, of course, the quality of the collections; these are the elements that we think can contribute to the quality of a museum and make it unique.
Our aim is neither to list all existent museums nor to present the most famous ones, but rather to highlight and suggest those which are able to provide their visitors with a narration, to arouse a feeling of involvement, to fascinate with a comprehensive experience so to make them want to come back again.

For professionals
Inexhibit is meant to be a meeting point for professionals – architects, exhibition designers, graphic designers, artists, curators, and everyone involved in the realization of exhibition spaces – here they can find feature articles, photographs, technical reports and afterthoughts about the “state of the art” in the field.
Over time, our case-studies section will become, rather than an undifferentiated repository of projects, a mutli-form archive presenting a broad variety of typologies of exhibition spaces as well as of different design approaches to them.

The “rooms” of Inexhibit

The Case studies are in-depth analysis of the most interesting realisations, arranged in different categories, they always include images and a detailed text description.

Mymuseum is an experimental database mapping the most interesting exhibition sites in Europe. It is a collaborative tool, our users can share their opinion and evaluation about the listed museums with others, because not all visitors are equal.

Seeds collects citations and pieces of inspirations taken from literature, cinema etc.

Technical is a section particularly addressed to professionals, where theoretical themes, exhibition techniques and new products are discussed.

The Marker is a summary of selected news about museums and exhibitions.

InContest hosts our competitions and contests, promoted by Inexhibit in order to give evidence to the most interesting and innovative creations in the exhibition field.

All the above sections are opened to our users’ participation and contribution.

copyright Inexhibit 2025 - ISSN: 2283-5474